Podrobnosti udalosti


Čas: Február 17, 2011Február 20, 2011
Mesto: Vieden, Rakúsko
Webová stránka alebo mapa: http://www.bauen-energie.at/e…
Druh udalosti: výstavy zahraničné
Posledná aktivita: Mar 10, 2011

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All about healthy building, renovating, financing and energy saving. Special features: Environmental and climate protection. In cooperation with IBO Austrian Institute for Building Biology and Building Ecology

THE fair for building, renovating, financing, and energy saving technology with a focus on environmental and climate saving innovations, is a yearly beloved meeting place for professionals as well as end-users eager to make building changes with the newest and best the industry has to offer.

Over 550 exhibitors taking up 40,000 sq. meters of floor space, handing out individual advise concerning building materials, windows & doors, prefabricated houses, financing, heating and home-related technical solutions, spa facilities, as well as building biology, ecology and energy efficiency.
What’s more the fair features special ‘advice islands’ run by the guilds independently of the suppliers themselves and serves as an important independent advisement centre for tips, trends, and informative requirements concerning energy, architecture, building materials, and all free of cost!

Bauen & Energie Wien is seen as the place for over 50,000 visitors to gather advice on new building developments and renovation throughout eastern Austria and the neighbouring countries.




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Komentár osoby Martin Procházka o Február 17, 2011 na 21:26
keď pôjdete, spravte prípadne nejaké foto :)

Komentár osoby Marian Vlasaty o Február 17, 2011 na 18:53

Vystava stavebnictva a energii vo Viedni. Spolu s vystavou v Salzburgu http://www.bauen-wohnen.co.at/en/index.html , ktora sa uz konala tohto roku 10-13 februara ide o dve najvacsie vystavy stavebnictva v AT.




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